neeb tarjeta navidad

Merry Christmas and a happy 2019

neeb tarjeta navidad

Merry Christmas and a a happy 2019

neeb grúa molino
neeb parque molino viento
neeb pluma suecia
neeb parque eólico suecia

Just on time….! -21 degree doesn’t matter!….

We finished our promises. Thanks to our hole team. Yo do a wonderful job. Now it’s time to come home…. celebrating Christmas with family and friends.

neeb grúa molino
neeb parque molino viento
neeb pluma suecia
neeb parque eólico suecia

Just on time….! -21 degree doesn’t matter!….

We finished our promises. Thanks to our hole team. Yo do a wonderful job. Now it’s time to come home…. celebrating Christmas with family and friends.

transporte neeb alemania

Something different today ……!

Transport directly inside the Serengenti Park in Germany Niedersachsen. We have to stay there with 3 trucks! Did they come out still alive?


neeb transporte grúa
neeb transporte especial
neeb transporte coche piloto
neeb transporte orugas

New!!! Ready for Workouts!

Liebherr LR1600W. Narrow Track is now available in stock. Full equipped.

neeb grua cadenas
neeb grúa orugas
grúa obra neeb
grúa pluma neeb wuppertal
neeb grúa construcción

Brand New Liebherr LTR1100

neeb grúa parque
Neeb mina subterranea Nickel
Norilsk Nickel Siberia

2,000 metres scale for Norilsk Nickel Siberia Russia

Currently the deepest shafts of the world are in construction with the Liebherr LR1400 Crawler Crane. Temperatures up to – 50 degrees and incredible amounts of snow, the …Leer más

neeb alemania grúas suecia
neeb windpark
turbina eólica neeb
empleados en suecia neeb
turbina eólica neeb
parque eólico grúas neeb
parque eólico grúas neeb

A long Journey is coming to the end….

seems to be that we will finish our project! Nice moments on top! Thanks to our team for the fotos and for such a good performance.

neeb alemania feria
windenergy feria hamburgo neeb
windenergy feria hamburgo

We will be in Hamburg on the Wind Exhibition