autumn in germany neeb crane
autumn in germany neeb crane
autumn in germany neeb

Autumn in Germany

Autumn in Germany! it’s time for our Sennebogen 5500 to change location.

train 6/7 neeb logistics
train 6/7 neeb
new train 6/7 neeb
neeb logistics train
neeb logistics

Our new 6/7 train!

Our new 6/7 train! Let’s go, there is a lot to do. Car logistics at its best.

the next lockdown neeb

We’re still upgrading

We’re still upgrading!! Unfortunately, it looks like the next lockdown because of Covid 19 is coming up again. Stay healthy and keep cool, stay safe!

Norilsk Russia work

A long time in Norilsk

It was a long time in Norilsk. The final of the work in Russia is coming to the end. Thanks to the Team who works there in the …Read More

electromobility neeb germany
electromobility neeb wuppertal
electromobility neeb
electromobility neeb

More electromobility

Lot is done to expand electromobility. Thanks to TESLA

crane work neeb
crane wind farm neeb
team work neeb
crane work Austria neeb
work in Austria neeb

SL3800 in Austria

Another Country, another Place, the same good Team. Austria is nice and friendly. The SL3800 is beginning its work.

finish job in spain neeb

Hasta pronto in Spain!

It’s time to say goodbye. Hasta pronto in Spain! The Liebherr LR1600 has to go to the next project. Stay safe! Thanks to my team. You did a …Read More

schwebebahn wuppertal neeb
wuppertal schwebebahn neeb
special transport neeb wuppertal
wuppertal schwebebahn neeb
special transport neeb wuppertal
schwebebahn wuppertal neeb

What a special Job!

What a special job! Brings back old memories! We moved a part of the Wuppertaler Schwebebahn on its last way. Thanks to my whole Team. You had done …Read More

Green Energy in Germany neeb wuppertal

Green Energy in Germany

Spierings SK1265 neeb wuppertal
Spierings SK1265 neeb wuppertal
Spierings SK1265 neeb wuppertal

Spierings SK1265 in Wuppertal