It’s time to move to the next place….!


Night and Day on the Highway Number 1


Sometimes just simple…..

Move it in Springtime’s

Let’s do it!

In the middle of the our City! Our Team with the Grove 6300L
“Fatboy Slim”

The oldest part of the “Wuppertaler Schwebebahn” goes another way!

So long Buddy…… I saw you more than 50 years in my hometown ! It was an honor for us.
Thanks to Bogdan for the safe transport

We will never stop!

Our Demag SL3800 in Austria once more in the name of GE Windenergy. Thanks to the team. Both of then are fare away from home.

It’s time to build a construction crane!!!

We build a construction crane with a Grove 4100L, it’s easy think !

With the LIEBHERR LTC in the closest space ! A big Puzzle



The geniuses of my team. Thank you all very much!

Really Big Butt !!!!

The Grove GMK6300 seems to be the “Kardashian“ under the Mobil cranes