1961-2021……60 Years in the Business.

Begining with Recovery and still moving in Heavy Logistic worldwide. 24/7 for our customers.
Thanks to all those who have accompanied us for so long. Let’s work together for …Read More

Our carlogistics is constantly expanding…!


We still in work in Spain….!

LIEBHERR LTR11200 in Tarragona.

Somehow, the last weeks are going to be very thoughtful.

Between the floods and between the daily business another disaster explosion in Leverkusen.
We do not like to send a photo documentation here and remember for a moment the …Read More

330t Gas Turbine with Tandem-Lift in Germany together with Wiesbauer Crane.


That‘s Teamwork!

It’s not gonna end!


We are further concerned with the flood disaster to clean up a little more every day.

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